I'm never quite sure whether I should remain mysterious in my music making or talk about it. I'm giving talking about it a go.
As can be seen on the front page I've just put together and released an EP of Electronica. You can find it as 'pay what you want' here https://cadestic.bandcamp.com/album/stone-city or on all the usual places - starting with iTunes today but it should appear everywhere else (Spotify, Tidal, Amazon etc etc) over the next few days.
This EP came about because I was away from home, and my music making hardware, for a week or so. I decided to see what I could do just using my laptop. I also decided to look once more at using drums , something I've not really done since I've been working in a more hardware based way. I also wanted to put something together that I could release in such a way that I could practice with marketing prior to my album release (due sometime in September).
Interestingly I found that all my practice using the hardware has really improved both my synthesis and music making skills. It was also great fun producing the four tracks very quickly ready for release. The samples are collected from all over - Bristol, Manchester and London. When I got home I was unable to resist adding a few bits and pieces using the modular - most notably the lead sound on the first track.
The end result is out now and you can give it a listen if you go the link above. I hope you enjoy it.
I've got at least one more release this year under the name Cadestic called Costal a slightly curious mix of electronic rhythms, bluesy electronic Americana and samples. All loosely themed around abandoned and decaying costal structures. I've got 3 decent tracks recorded , need to get cracking on the rest.