Junklight was started by mark john williamson at the end of last century in Glasgow. Originally more focused on ambient and sound works the most notable output back then was a collaborative soundtrack with a theatre company called 'Flexible Deadlock' for a, superb, piece called nationspace. Life in the form of children and a startup took over rapidly however and music making got put on hold.
With children growing and the startup having grown into a larger company and the realisation that there was never going to be 'more free time' the project was revived formally around the start of 2014, initially just posting to SoundCloud. In 2016 the focus is now on proper releases. Having left the city behind by now the music is inspired by the landscape: moody, atmospheric and emotive. There is no ideology behind how the music is made: analog, digital, hardware, software, samples, modular synth, real instruments - it's all grist to the mill.
A side project has also appeared in the form of Cadestic - this project is far more personal, it harks back to the city and my feelings and memories of it. I'm not a sentimental person, or particularly prone to nostalgia (or even the act of looking backwards) but this is in someways an exploration of those things.
Beats & memories. Basslines & ghosts.
follow us on twitter @junklight or @cadestic (that account is music only without the political ranting) or check out our Facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/junklightmusic/ https://www.facebook.com/Cadestic-1763094907245905/